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Microsoft Word 2019 and How It Can Help You Get Organized

Microsoft Word 2019 and How It Can Help You Get Organized


Computer programs! We know you’re probably not here to read about Microsoft Word. And hey, I totally get it: when you’ve got projects to finish, emails to send, and deadlines to meet, the last thing you want to do is learn how to use a new program. Unfortunately, if you don’t know how to work in MS Word (or some other word processing program), then that’s exactly what you’re doing each time you open up a blank document: learning—from scratch. So today we’re going to teach you everything there is about MSWord so that next time you need a new document or are just looking for an upgrade from Microsoft Word Online, it’ll be second nature for you. And who knows? You might even find that using MSWord makes your work easier and your life more organized!

Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word-processing software applications available on the market today. It is used by millions of people worldwide and has been around for over 30 years. This program helps users create different types of documents such as reports, letters, resumes and more. In order to use this software effectively you need to understand how it works so that you can take advantage of all its features.

The goal of this guide is not only to offer help with Microsoft Word but also to teach you how it can help organize your life in general as well as make it easier on yourself when dealing with problems such as organization or planning things out in advance!

Microsoft Word Basics That You NEED To Know

What is Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Word is a word processing program that you can use to create, edit and format documents. As a digital document created with a computer, it can be saved in multiple formats and shared online.

How to use Microsoft Word

Creating a document using Microsoft Word: To create a new document, open the program and click File > New. You’ll see several options for creating documents on the left-hand side of your screen. For example, if you want to write a letter or email using Microsoft Word, choose Letter from this menu; if you need to make an agenda for an upcoming meeting at work or school, choose Outline view instead. The default font size when working with letters will be Times New Roman 12 point (12 pt) but feel free to change this as needed!

Editing text in Microsoft Word: If there are errors in your text while typing it up – such as missing spaces between sentences – these can be fixed easily by selecting Select All(Ctrl+A) and then clicking Edit > Replace All (Ctrl+H). This will allow us easy access into all occurrences at once so we do not need spend time finding each one individually which would take up too much time unnecessarily! Another great tool within our arsenal today is AutoCorrect which basically applies itself automatically when certain words are typed over others so we don’t have any issues like misspellings happening again…and again…and again…¬_¬ So yeah forget about having long hours spent on correcting embarrassing mistakes because now there’s no need!”

How to Create a Basic Document in MSWord

The first step to creating a document is to open Microsoft Word. The easiest way to do this is by clicking “Start,” then choosing “All Programs” and then selecting “Microsoft Office.” You can also click on the icon in your taskbar or desktop if you already know where it’s located.

Once you get into Microsoft Word, you’ll see three options at the top of your screen: File (or Ctrl+F), Home (or Ctrl+H), and Insert (or Ctrl+M). You’ll need all three of these tools to create and edit documents so they’re organized properly.

To start with, we need to create a new blank document by clicking on File > New > Blank Document. This will bring up a dialog box that allows us to change some basic settings about our new file including its name, location, and format (more on this later). For now though just click OK when done editing these settings (in most cases there won’t be any changes needed here).

How To Edit Texts and Paragraphs In MSWord?

Editing Texts and Paragraphs in MSWord:

To edit texts or paragraphs in MSWord, follow these steps:

  • Select the text or paragraph that you want to edit by using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts.
  • Make changes to your selection by pressing F5 on your keyboard (if there are no changes being made) or pressing CTRL+E (if there are).
  • Repeat these steps as needed until everything is exactly how you want it!

How To Insert Images or Pictures In MSWord?

To insert an image in Microsoft Word, click the Insert tab, then click Pictures.

You’ll see a list of all the images that are on your computer, organized by size and type (such as photos or clip art). Select the picture you want to use. You can also drag pictures from other programs like Photoshop into Word if they aren’t already available on your computer’s hard drive.

Now that you’ve added an image, let’s add text around it!

Microsoft Word is a word-processing program that helps you edit your documents before printing them out. Microsoft Word 2019 is the latest version of this popular software, with many improvements over earlier versions. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Microsoft Word (both standard and premium) for all your writing and editing needs.

With this guide, we hope that you’ve learned about the many useful features contained within the application’s interface so that you can make working in it as easy as possible!

MS Word is an essential program for any organization as it can help you edit and organize your documents.

  • MS Word is a program that can help you edit and organize your documents.
  • MS Word is a very popular program that is used by many people.
  • If you are wondering why it is important to learn how to use MS Word, the answer is simple: this tool will help you create and edit documents with ease.
  • To use MS Word, simply click on the icon for this program and then open up any document that you want to work on. In addition, if there are additional programs installed on your computers, such as PowerPoint or Excel, then all of these will also appear in this window as well so that they can be accessed whenever needed!


I hope you have enjoyed reading this article as much as I did writing it. I can’t wait to hear how these tips and tricks help you in your day-to-day work!

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